Archives for Kelly, Terri

The Power of Two

When we find someone with whom to share our lives, we are fortunate. When artists do so, they are especially blessed. At least that’s the case with the four artist couples we interviewed for this article. For most of us, we were attracted to our spouses, or significant others, for a variety of reasons: their physical appearance—which might simply be a great smile—their sincerity, sense of humor, intelligence, talent, or kindness. For the artists we talked with, there are other, equally important attributes, including respect for each other’s work and a shared passion for art. Couples Featured: – Sherrie McGraw
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Women Artists: Meeting the Challenge

It’s no secret that women artists often have a more difficult time than their male counterparts in not only succeeding in their careers, but in the prices paid for their work and in the collectability of that work by museums. It’s a topic that has been quietly discussed for many years, but now is gaining awareness, due in part to members of American Women Artists (AWA), who were shocked when they realized that women artists represent only 3 to 5 percent of artwork in museum collections. As a result, the group has launched 25 in 25, a campaign to have
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Pursuing Her Passion

Terri Kelly Moyers has earned several prestigious awards for her paintings, but she has her feet firmly planted on the ground, continuing to challenge herself to paint the scenes and subjects that inspire her and to do so in a way that touches viewers. Affirmation of her doing so has come in the form of numerous awards and a growing cadre of collectors. Terri Kelly Moyers Balconies of Cordoba Oil 24″ x 30″ “This is a painting of some balconies in Cordoba, Spain. We gain inspiration and love to paint wherever we go.” Terri Kelly Moyers El Tejedi de la
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