Sherry Sander marvels at how her life has unfolded, grateful to be able to sculpt animals and do what she loves.
Sherry Sander (Montana)
On The Jump
15″ High By 16″ Wide
We had a pretty little Springer named Buddy, who loved to take us for walks in our grain fields. With her nose to the ground, intersecting our straight path left to right and back again, she walked in the hope that there might be a flush to experience.
Sherry Sander (Montana)
A Dissonant Descent
12.5″ High By 8″ Wide
In music, dissonant might refer to notes close together causing tension. These two cats are making a descent simultaneously, but their climb downward is precarious and slightly off balance. However, a split second later in this scene will find them landing with grace on a safer precipice.