Archives for Norton, Jim

The Studio of Jim Norton

Jim Norton’s studio is just as he likes it—overflowing with things he loves. That includes paints and paintings, cowboy and Native American accoutrements, and hundreds of books. The studio, he admits, is for working; it is not a showplace. It is where he creates his depictions of the West, past and present, which have earned him international acclaim. Located on the walkout level of the two-story house he shares with his wife, Pam, on two acres of land in Santaquin, Utah, Norton’s studio opens up to a beautiful backyard oasis. That outside setting is as awe-inspiring as his paintings: full
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I Just Have To Paint It

Jim Norton was, as he puts it, “scared to death.” He was pale and had a terrible headache, but he stood by his paintings, with a smile on his face, determined to suffer through what he anticipated was going to be a rather humiliating experience. The cause of Norton’s distress was his first showing with the prestigious Cowboy Artists of America (CAA). He was elected into membership in 1989, when he was just 34 years old, and was overwhelmed by the company he would be keeping—artists such as Howard Terpning, Robert Pummell, Roy Andersen, Jim Reynolds, and Ken Riley. Jim
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A Successful Gamble

I think the Lord gives you talent,but you have to sacrifice. You have to pay your dues.” So says Jim Norton, who did indeed pay his dues as he followed his dream of becoming an artist. He studied, he painted when he was dog tired after working a full-time job to support his growing family and, with the support of his wife Pam, he gambled on his talent taking him where he wanted to go. Jim Norton (Utah) Maza Waken Oil 52″ By 40″ Maza Waken was the name the Sioux gave the gun. They believed it was a very
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