Western Voices: Past and Present

Categories: 2017 November-December Issue, Borg, Carl, Dunton, William, Landscape, Oil, and Wildlife.

Generations of painters and sculptors make up the fabric of art of the American West. The ongoing influence of artists, reaching back to the 1800s, is evident in the ambitions and efforts of younger artists today and, just as the best artists of old are known by their unique stylistic voices, a new generation strives to develop its own voice and, perhaps, the opportunity to influence those who follow them. Art of the West has been a platform for Western art for the past 30 years, helping us to hear the voices of new generations of artists, along with echoes of those of the past.

Young artists such as Logan Maxwell Hagege, Glenn Dean, and Mark Margiorri, among many others, can be thought of as being the heirs of those who have gone before, as members of a new generation that helps to sustain Western art. In addition, however, they represent the idea that individual artistic vision, voice, and creativity can build upon past generations of art. It is these unique voices that will be remembered, just as the unique voices of those who inspired them are so strongly regarded today.

William Herbert “Buck” Dunton

Elk in the Aspen
20.5″ x 20.5″

Courtesy of the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art

Carl Oscar Borg

Arizona Summer (Undated)
Oil on Fabric Support
36″ x 40″

Courtesy of theEiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art
