Personality and Panache

Categories: 2018 November-December Issue, Bronze, Ostermiller, Dan, and Wildlife.

Hours spent observing wildlife in its natural habitat during his youth in Wyoming instilled in Dan Ostermiller an affinity for animals. Working alongside his well-know taxidermist father, Roy, from early in his childhood gave Ostermiller technical skills that set him apart as a sculptor later in life. But, taxidermy was not something he cared for. “I grew up in that business, but never liked it,” he says. “However, it did give me a lot of tools I needed to become an artist.”

Ostermiller never received any formal training, but he knew art was his future, and painting was his initial direction.

Dan Ostermiller (Colorado)

On the Fence
“This is a piece inspired by my cat, Niles. He often trots across the studio grounds with a wily, focused objective, which usually leads to trouble!”

Dan Ostermiller (Colorado)


“Even though this guy looks similar to a Sioux chief seated around the campfire, waiting for his turn with the peace pipe, that is not where his name came from. I photographed this bear at the Sioux Falls Zoo. Sure, it would have been better if he were in the zoo in Sioux City, so I could call him Sioux City Sue. This all being said, Sioux did seem to be a natural title, when my daughter, Lauren, looked at it and proclaimed to the tune of the Johnny Cash song, ‘life ain’t easy for a bear named Sioux.’”
