Archives for Oil

Beautiful World, Beautiful Life

Cary Ennis’ still life paintings embody a simple, elegant beauty while radiating with color and light. They are lovingly arranged, beautifully painted, and enthusiastically collected. A comment made by a viewer of one of Ennis’ paintings sums it up nicely: “Oh, I wish I saw the world that way!” Cary Ennis (New Mexico) Lemon Orchids Oil 28″ By 32″ Spending time in Hawaii was enhanced by access to such wonderful flowers. Orchids have such character and variety, and they last a long time, which makes them perfect for still life painting. The exquisite form of these white and yellow Cataleyas
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I’m Not Just an Artist

With the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, the vineyards of Sonoma Valley, or the Big Sur coastline as his backdrop, Kevin Courter never wearies of painting the majesty and diversity of the California landscape. Kevin Courter (California) Moonlight Oil 20″ By 16″ Nocturnes are a common theme of mine and are especially intriguing when utilizing the subtle light of a full moon. I enjoy pushing the subtle color shifts and warm hues in these scenes. Kevin Courter (California) Dance Of The Pacific Oil 12″ By 18″ Eucalyptus trees are one of my favorite trees to paint. I love their graceful lines
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Painting His Memories

When asked about his favorite childhood memory, Oregon artist Jim Daly stops and thinks for a moment. Not because he can’t remember one, but because there are so many. Jim Daly (Oregon) A Sympathetic Friend Oil 18″ By 12″ We’ve all had a rock in our shoe at one time or another, or a sore toe that kept us from running at full speed. This boy is taking time out on a hot summer day to check things out. He doesn’t see his dog’s concern, but for us, the viewer, sometimes a dog can say more with just a look
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I Just Want to Paint

Richard Thomas points to a plaque on the wall in his Montana studio that, he says, has “been with me forever.” The words on that plaque not only describe artists in general, they are a commentary on Thomas’ career. Richard Thomas (Montana) First Light Oil 30″ By 40″ This is early morning’s first light on a Blackfeet encampment in Montana. The setting for this piece is not far from what is now just outside my studio. Richard Thomas (Montana) The Day’s Mounts-Three Forks Oil 30″ By 44″ In this painting, I depicted riders picking up their mounts on the morning
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Still Pouring It On

In 1972, Walt Gonske made a decision that, he says, was “probably the smartest thing I ever did.” That decision-to leave illustration and New York City behind and move to Taos, New Mexico, and try his hand at fine art-changed the course of his life. It also provided art lovers with the opportunity to enjoy his incredible talent. Walt Gonske (New Mexico) Los Colonias Oil 30″ By 28″ Winter cottonwoods and red willows along a Taos creek-it doesn’t get any better than this, having all of these forms and color in one composition. Walt Gonske (New Mexico) Placita Winter Day
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The Journey Continues

For more than two decades, California-based artist Calvin Liang has been inspired by the majestic beauty found along the Pacific coastline, so it is not surprising that billowy sail boats, rosetinged sunsets, misty coves, and secluded beaches continue as favorite subjects for his impressionistic, yet slightly stylized, oil paintings. Calvin Liang (California) Venice Canal Oil 30″ By 40″ Venice might be somewhat of a tourist trap, but it is beautiful to the eye. In this scene, it is surrounded by colorful buildings and dramatic water reflections Calvin Liang (California) Spider Rock Oil 24″ By 30″ Spider Rock is one of
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Celebrating “God’s Greatest Masterpiece”

Artists – no matter the medium, no matter the subject matter – have one thing in common: They are driven to share their visions of the world with others. The six artists featured here are particularly drawn to the human figure or, as Romel de la Torre describes it, “God’s greatest masterpiece.” Clayton Beck III (Illinois) Minitka Oil 20″ By 16″ It is always a gift, when one of my models comes in looking like this. It seems that, before I begin to paint, my work is almost done. Michelle Dunaway (California) Katie And Jenni-The Daughters Of Jane Seymour Oil
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Back In the Saddle

When he was 12 years old, John DeMott was invited to visit the home of Western film and music star Roy Rogers. It was a pivotal occasion, and today DeMott regards it as a strong influence in his life and his art. Growing up near Chatsworth, California, with its movie sets and Hollywood flare, the DeMott family lived in the same neighborhood as Rogers and his wife Dale Evans, and young DeMott routinely played with the couple’s children. John DeMott (Colorado) Against The Painted Sky Oil 25″ By 30″ I enjoy the great sunsets off my studio deck every evening
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Making Music

Nancy Guzik loves nothing more than the challenge of capturing—and conveying—the beauty she finds in a face or a flower, a teacup, or a tree. That she more than meets that challenge is apparent in the many awards her paintings have earned and the many prestigious collections throughout the world that include her work. Nancy Guzik (New Hampshire) Peony Tea Oil 11″ By 14″ In this fanciful composition and color harmony, I get the chance to play with making flowers look like delicate peonies, and teacups feel like real china-magical! Nancy Guzik (New Hampshire) Creativity Oil 16″ By 12″ In
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Magical Sights

With winter on the horizon, not many people look forward to the months of snow-covered ground that lie ahead. That’s not true of landscapist Karen Vance, however. She revels in the fact that the mountains surrounding her home in Winter Park, Colorado, often are engulfed in the white stuff for eight to nine months each year. Karen Vance (Colorado) Another Spring Oil 28″ By 36″ This is the Murphy Ranch in Granby, Colorado. These two barns are more than 100 years old and still standing. The Murphys homesteaded this land and still raise cattle and put up hay with a
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