Archives for Wildlife

Sculpture Has to Be Intellectually Beautiful

In 1975, when Maryland sculptor Walter Matia graduated from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, he’d already been an active member of the art world for nearly 12 years. With diploma in hand, he set out for Arlington, Virginia. Despite having earned a degree in art design and being an intaglio printmaker, Matia preferred to secure his future using the skills he had honed while earning a degree in biology. Walter Matia (Maryland) High Water Mallards Bronze 80″ High Put corn in water and watch for the warden; bring water to corn, breathe easy and wait with your dog in the
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Opportunity Knocked; He Answered

A common denominator in the lives of many successful artists is being blessed early in their careers by connecting with professionals who are willing to share their time and talents. Wildlife painter Brian Grimm was fortunate to have been mentored by two of Texas’ most respected painters: landscapist Dalhart Windberg and wildlife painter Ken Carlson. Brian Grimm (Texas) Crossing The Snake 24″ By 30″ The idea for this painting was to have the viewer hear the water moving, as a moose crosses the Snake River in this peaceful morning scene. Brian Grimm (Texas) Globetrotter Oil 24″ By 36″ My wife
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The Romance Lives On

Howard Rogers is a romantic. From his soft and sultry paintings of beautiful women to his depictions of rugged, hard-working cowboys and the horses they ride, he admits that romance is at the heart of his work. Howard Rogers (Arizona) Spring In The Gros Ventres Oil 24″ By 30″ July is like spring in the high country. This is a good representation of the parade of color to be found there. Howard Rogers (Arizona) The Notch Oil 40″ By 30″ This is a mountain formation high in the Gros Ventre Mountains, not far from Jackson, Wyoming. The Darwin Ranch was
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Pencil Passion

Long doesn’t want her drawings to look like photographs, but when people tell her they look better than photographs, she considers it a compliment. “Then I feel I’ve gone beyond the reference material,” she says. “I feel I was able to go into the subject and elicit the mood I was trying to capture.” Karmel Timmons Partners Pencil 23″ By 16″ Brenda Murphy One Of The Big Boys Pencil 13″ By 19″ Mary Buchholz First Chill Pencil 24″ By 18″
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Young Guns

Robert Coombs Beautiful Memories Oil 29″ By 20″ Josh Elliot (Montana) Iceberg Lake Oil 30″ By 40″ Po Lin Morning Commute Oil 14″ By 11″ Kyle Polzin Leading The Way Oil 18″ By 28″ Ariana Richards Beverly – A Portrait Oil 24″ By 17″ Molly Schmid Begonias Oil 10″ By 12″ Ryan Skidmore Trespassers Beware Oil 32″ By 58″
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